
Harbury Parish Council Harbury Parish Council is made up of nine members for Harbury and one member for Deppers Bridge.

In addition, Harbury and Deppers Bridge is also served by one District Councillor (Stratford District Council) and one County Councillor (Warwickshire County Council).

The Council employs a part-time Parish Clerk.

Parish Councillors

May 2023: We currently have vacancies for three parish councillors. If you are interested in joining us, please contact the parish clerk, Alison Biddle, on 01926 614646 or email

Current Parish Council members and their particular areas of responsibility are:

Cllr Tim Lockley

Cllr Tim Lockley (Chairman)

Finance & General Purposes, Library, Seasonal Lights, Staffing


Cllr Julie Balch

Cllr Julie Balch (Vice-Chair)

Climate, Seasonal Lights, Staffing (chair)


Cllr Samantha Allen

Cllr Samantha Allen

Climate, Finance & General Purposes (chair), Planning (chair), Seasonal Lights


Cllr Christopher Bradley

Climate, Environment, Properties


Cllr Kate Gard

Climate (chair), Finance & General Purposes, Properties


Cllr Alan Knowles

Cllr Alan Knowles

Planning, Properties


Cllr Edward Mulley

Environment, Properties


Cllr Alex Potter

Cllr Alex Potter

Environment (chair), Finance & General Purposes, Properties, WALC


Cllr Keith Thompson

Cllr Keith Thompson

Finance & General Purposes, Planning, Properties (chair), Staffing, Village Hall



We have lived in Harbury for 52 years and our two children were born and brought up here.  I have served on the parish council for 40 years, as chairman for 3 years, and have also chaired two of our sub-groups and helped with the preparation of the Harbury Neighbourhood Development Plan.  I am currently vice chairman and co-ordinate the weekly play equipment safety inspections. I am a member of the village hall management committee.

The Role of a Parish Councillor

The role of a parish councillor is diverse and interesting. It is a great opportunity to get involved with issues that really matter to local people and make a difference to everyday life in Harbury. If you are enthusiastic about our community and can spare a few hours each month, please get in touch. The only requirements are:

  • You must be available to regularly attend the monthly parish council meeting at 7.30pm on the fourth Thursday of the month.
  • You must have access to email and internet.

We welcome applications from all sections of our community so please contact us to find out more.

Members Code of Conduct

A new code of conduct was adopted for councillors at Harbury Parish Council with effect from 1 May 2022. This is called the LGA Model Councillor Code of Conduct (opens in new tab) which is accompanied by its own Guidance (opens in new tab)


Parish Councillors must declare any disclosable pecuniary interests as defined in regulations made by the Secretary of State.

You can find details of the interests which Councillors have registered by visiting our page on the Stratford District Council website (opens in new tab)

District Councillor

County Councillor